Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone or Philosopher’s stone is the first book of the Harry Potter Series. It is a popular novel composed by #J._K._Rowling. This book is known as HP First Book and was distributed in 1997 by Bloomsbury. In 1998 it distributed for the sake of Sorcerer’s stone in the United States.
Harry Potter First Book Pdf Download
Harry Potter first book has won numerous British eBook grants. The book achieved the highest point of the New York examples rundown of pleasant advancing fiction in August 1999 and remained nearby to the highest priority on that rundown for a mess of 1999 and 2000. This book has converted into no less than seventy-three distinct dialects. Also, made into a motion picture named “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by Motion Pictures.
Download Harry Potter Philosopher’s Stone Pdf
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is the First Novel Of Harry Potter Series and You can download this book in pdf form from the connection Below.
I trust you will love this book to peruse and in the event that you require other Harry Potter books then you can visit the Section beneath.