5 Database Management Books To Succeed as a Professional


There has been a major spike in the amount of data in recent years, all thanks to improved technology in every single field. So much so that we can decipher certain trends from the mountain pile of data. Algorithms that have been developed over the years are finally coming to proper use due to massive data collection and input. Hence, with the extensive use of these algorithms, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and data science are on the rise. But, one must acquire adequate knowledge of database management to excel in these fields. Database management alone is crucial for keeping records in workplaces and ensuring privacy and security. Also, there are many job options surrounding database management these days, since data collection is steadily increasing and improving. We have come up with 5 of the best database management books to help you in your venture.

The List of the 5 Best Database Management Books

In the following content, we describe 5 of the best carefully handpicked database management books to help you choose one that best suits your needs.

1. Principles of Database Management: The Practical Guide to Storing, Managing and Analyzing Big and Small Data By Wilfried Lemahieu, Seppe vanden Broucke, Bart Baesens

Principles of Data Management by Wilfried best database management books

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In order to grasp the basic concepts of database management, this book is your go-to. From the fundamentals of database design to data warehousing, the book covers every single point. It further comes with an updated approach. Hence, you do not have to sweat about falling behind in this world of new and innovative data concepts. Not only do you get to learn the very basic theories of data management, but also newer concepts like Big Data and NoSQL. Furthermore, includes realistic, real-world examples and queries. It also includes an online playground with environments like MySQL, MongoDB, Neo4j Cypher and tree structure visualization for combined learning. What’s more, the authors of the book are both professors at reputed universities. Hence it is the perfect read for undergrad and grad students alike.

2. Becoming a Data Head: How to Think, Speak, and Understand Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning By Alex J. Gutman, Jordan Goldmeier

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Award-winning data scientists Alex Gutman and Jordan Goldmeier unveil all tools and necessities required to become a Data Head. To clarify, a Data Head in this context means someone who knows the intricate details of data handling and management. This book will allow you to think critically and speak confidently about data science. Thus you will be a productive part of the data science community and not just perform job tasks blindly. Consequently, you learn how to think statistically, understand the importance of variation in decision making and grasp the intricacies of deep learning, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Hence, you get to actually utilize what you learn. If you are contemplating on becoming a data scientist, this book is for you.

3. Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management By Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris

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This book is an impeccable blend of theory and practice. It is comprehensive, practical and easy to understand. Further, the book consists of diagrams, illustrations, and tables for visual aid. Undoubtedly, database design determines the success of database implementation. Hence, the book covers database design in depth. The book is well known for its straightforward and easy-to-follow lessons and it further covers Big Data and MySQL databases. Moreover, review questions, problem sets and realistic cases are incorporated for students to develop proper design skills..

4. Concepts of Database Management By Philip J. Pratt, Mary Z. Last

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Database design, data integrity, concurrent updates, and data security are a few of the topics in this book. Additionally, it addresses major and core topics like E-R diagrams, relational models, and normalization. The book further covers more advanced topics like distributed databases, data warehouses, and web databases. Real-world examples along with illustrations are provided for a proper understanding of topics. All in all, the book is an up-to-date resource to learn database management.

5. Modern Database Management, Global Edition By Jeff Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi

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This book is intended for academic courses in database management. It presents all important topics that are required to succeed practically as a database professional. In addition, the book focuses on important aspects in database development which are recommended by leading database practitioners. The newest edition includes materials related to the staggering rise of data management nowadays. Furthermore, application security and multi-user solutions are discussed, which are all part of the modern information system. 

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The world is a hub for data nowadays. Every second, a massive amount of data is being recorded. With the rise of data comes a rise in career options in this field. We have picked out the 5 very best books for you to comprehend database management.

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1. How do you create the book lists?
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2. Why do you make these lists?
There are hundreds and even thousands of books available on any given topic. This makes it difficult to choose the best ones that will actually prove to be useful. You may have to spend hours researching before you find the right book. We make these lists for you to make your job easy and to save you the trouble of researching. Moreover, the type of book lists we make and all the factors we consider for each book, you may not find such a list anywhere else.

3. Why should I trust the lists you make?
We work hard to make these lists so that you can avoid the hassle of looking for the best books by yourself. All of us here are avid readers who are aware of the kind of content other readers are looking for. Hence, we do the research for you and aim to save your time.

4. Who are the authors who make these lists?
Our authors are graduates in different fields from reputed universities. More than that, they are passionate readers who want to help others find the best book for their every need. The authors are independent researchers, with good analytical abilities, and all have strong academic backgrounds. Thus, they are well-equipped to create these book lists.

5. What factors affect the list that you make?
There are various factors we consider before we publish our list. For each individual book, we look at the number of sales, the number of reviews and ratings, as well as social media mentions of the book. Further, we also research the author’s credibility to understand how qualified they are to write on a particular topic.

6. How do you ensure that the books you recommend are relevant to the topic?
We thoroughly go through the book descriptions and other available resources to ensure that the books are relevant to the topic. We also read the reviews of the book to understand in detail how the book helps readers learn more about the particular topic.

7. Whom can I contact if I have any questions about the content/list?
If you have any queries about our content, please reach out to us at support@epubseries.com. We will be more than happy to answer your questions, or just chat with you about books!

8. Do you guarantee that the list will serve the purpose of the readers?
Although we present you with the most relevant and informative books on any given topic, we cannot guarantee that they will serve your particular purpose. This is because each reader has their own individual needs and circumstances. We try our best to create stellar lists, and readers can definitively gain from giving these books a try. However, it is always advisable to take professional advice from people who have experience in the field.

9. What do you mean by “best” books?
We cannot say that the books we list are objectively the best in the field. However, we make sure to only recommend books that have been reviewed highly by others, are best-selling, and that other readers have found useful for themselves.

10. Can these books be used for research purposes?
The books we list give practical and relevant information on the particular topic. However, not all of them are academic books. Thus, it is up to the author’s discretion whether they want to use them for research purposes and cite them in their papers.

11. Does the position of the book in the list matter?
No, the position of any book in a list is arbitrary. We do not list them based on any kind of ranking. That being said, in some cases, the more popular books may appear at the top

12. Is the list inclusive of all the popular books?
No, our lists do not contain all the books that are relevant to the topic due to some limitations. However, we hope to keep updating these lists and include more books in the future.



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