5 Schizoaffective Disorder Books To Cure Your Mania
Schizoaffective disorder is a psychological disorder that is often thought of as a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. People with this disorder experience delusions and hallucinations that are characteristic of schizophrenia. They often experience paranoia about small events, and sometimes even consider themselves superior to others. Further, they may hear voices in their head telling them to do something, and they feel like they have no choice but to do it. In addition to this, schizoaffective disorder also brings mood-related symptoms. This includes depression, anxiety, and a feeling of hopelessness. All of this combined may even lead to suicidal thoughts. This disorder severely and negatively affects a person’s life. It is necessary to take steps to recover from it, and there are various books written on the topic that can help you with the same. In this article, we have listed the 5 best schizoaffective disorder books.
The List of 5 Best Schizoaffective Disorder Books
Below we have listed the 5 best schizoaffective disorder books. These books are written by professionals who can help you or your loved one on the journey of recovery. They discuss symptoms, causes, and most importantly, treatment plans for the disorder.
1. Schizoaffective Disorder Simplified By Martine Daniel
View on Amazon Get Two Audiobooks FreeThis book is a comprehensive and latest guide to schizoaffective disorder. It features an introduction to the disorder, its symptoms, its treatment, and the many ways that people can learn to manage their illness. Moreover, it contains various helpful worksheets for people with schizoaffective disorder. You will find it useful whether you have the disorder, care for someone with it or just have a curious interest in the subject. Accordingly, this book will answer all your questions about schizoaffective disorder. Overall, this book gives you an insight into what it is like to live with psychosis and mania.
2. Schizoaffective Disorder: A Patient & Family Guide By Guenevere Macdonald
View on Amazon Get Two Audiobooks FreeThis book is a complete guide to living with Schizoaffective disorder. It contains information on the disorder, recovery options, medication, and various other health issues. Further, it discusses relationships and self-care in relation to the disorder. It is written for other patients by a patient. This guide is a direct first-person account of all aspects of diagnosis and treatment. It is helpful for those who suffer from the disorder as well as their loved ones and family.
3. Experiencing and Overcoming Schizoaffective Disorder: A Memoir By Steve Colori
View on Amazon Get Two Audiobooks FreeThis is a memoir written by someone who himself has suffered and recovered from schizoaffective disorder. In this book, he articulates his experience with the same. His story gives readers an insight into what the disorder really is like, with descriptions of the hallucinations, mania, and other symptoms experienced. More importantly, he explains how he worked through all these symptoms and overcame them. He also outlines his experience with taking medication. Further, Colori discusses the various therapy treatments he tried, and how he utilized them to recover. This includes exposure therapy, talk therapy, as well as journaling. Currently, Colori works as a Peer specialist to help others in their journey of recovery.
4. What A Life Can Be: One Therapist’s Take on Schizo-Affective Disorder By Carolyn Dobbins
View on Amazon Get Two Audiobooks FreeThis book is a captivating look into the world of schizoaffective disorder. It is funny, heartbreaking, but most importantly, motivating. In this book, Dr. Carolyn Dobbins explains the onset and development of this impairing disease and gives readers hope. Further, the book dispels the misconceptions and stigma surrounding this disorder as any of us can have a mental illness. Uniquely, the book contains facts about serious mental disorders, as well as the author’s 6 A’s of self-help message. Counselors and patients alike will find this a beneficial read.
5. Balancing the Beast: A Bright View of Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar or Manic-Depressive Type By Helena Smole
View on Amazon Get Two Audiobooks FreeThis book is a positive take on the schizoaffective disorder, both for patients as well as their loved ones. With the help of this book, you will learn how to live a normal and happy life. You will also read about how the author improved her personality and self-perception, as well as lifestyle, while also seeing psychiatrists. She teaches you how your brain is your greatest asset and how it helps you understand when you are under too much pressure. Further, she helps you understand that your mental illness is not your fault and you should stop blaming yourself. Last but not least, the exciting illustrations will help you understand the importance and power of humor in healing.
This article lists the 5 best schizoaffective disorder books. We have compiled a list for you that will effectively help you overcome this disorder. Thus, you will be able to lead a normal and healthy life in no time. They will also help you understand that your mental illness is not your fault and that you don’t need to live a life of stigma.