5 Social Anxiety Disorder Books To Overcome your Anxious Thoughts


Social anxiety disorder is a well-known psychological disorder. It is a persistent fear of being in social settings in which the individual is exposed to possible scrutiny by others. While most people face anxiety in unfamiliar settings, in people with a social anxiety disorder this causes them significant distress and impairs their everyday life. This disorder is also known as social phobia, as the anxiety is out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the situation. Social anxiety disorder affects about 7.1% of the US population. Fortunately, this disorder is treatable. If you or your loved one suffers from social anxiety, we have compiled a list of books that will prove useful for you. This article lists the 5 best social anxiety disorder books. 

The List of 5 Best Social Anxiety Disorder Books

Below we have presented a list of the 5 best social anxiety disorder books. They cover everything you need to know about the disorder, from symptoms, to causes, to treatment.

1. The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook By Martin M. Antony and Richard P. Swinson

The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook By Martin M. Antony and Richard P. Swinson

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This book discusses groundbreaking new research and techniques for overcoming social phobia. It includes a chapter on mindfulness-based treatments, updated medication information, and an overview of treatment-enhancing technological advances. You’ll learn to find your strengths and weaknesses through self-evaluation, explore and examine your fears, and create a personalized plan for change. Further, you will be able to put your plan into action through gentle and gradual exposure to the very social situations that make you feel uneasy as you complete the activities in this workbook. Thus, after completing this program, you will be well-prepared to connect with those around you. Soon, you’ll be reaping the benefits of being actively involved in the social world.

2. The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Social Anxiety and Shyness By Jan E. Fleming and Nancy L. Kocovski

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If you suffer from shyness or social anxiety, you may avoid social situations and have difficulty connecting with others. You may also experience panic attacks, which increase your tendency to avoid social situations. 

With this book, the authors’ acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) program has become available to the public for the first time. In research studies, this program was found to be highly effective in the treatment of social anxiety disorder and related subclinical levels of shyness. The first section will confront you with performance fears, test anxiety, and interpersonal fears. All of these are fundamental symptoms of social anxiety. The second section teaches you psychological flexibility, which improves your ability to accept the feelings, thoughts, and behavior that may arise as you learn to work through your anxiety. 

3. Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness By Gillian Butler

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Everyone feels foolish, embarrassed, judged, or criticized from time to time, but it becomes a problem when it undermines your confidence and prevents you from doing what you want to do. Extreme social anxiety and shyness can be crippling, but Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help (CBT). Dr. Gillian Butler provides a practical, easy-to-use self-help course in this book that will be invaluable for those suffering from all levels of social anxiety. This self-help guide employs effective therapeutic techniques to treat long-standing and disabling psychological conditions. 

4. How to Be Yourself: Quiet Your Inner Critic and Rise Above Social Anxiety By Ellen Hendriksen

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In this book, Dr. Ellen Hendriksen weaves together cutting-edge science, concrete tips, and compelling stories of real people who have overcome their social anxiety. As someone who herself suffers from social anxiety, she has dedicated her career to assisting her clients in overcoming the same challenges she has. Further, Dr. Hendriksen guides the reader through the origins of social anxiety and why it persists, and how we can rewire our brains through behavior. Finally, she teaches you how to silence your Inner Critic who whispers, “Everyone will judge you.” You can finally be your authentic self by using her techniques to remain confident and at ease in any situation. 

5. Social Anxiety By James W. William

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This book addresses the key points of social anxiety that prevent you from reaching your full potential as a person. 

You’ll find the following topics inside: 

  • The origins of social anxiety and shyness in evolution 
  • What is the distinction between social anxiety and shyness? 
  • Simple daily techniques for reducing or eliminating social anxiety or shyness

The book will help you understand where your shyness and anxiety come from. Moreover, it will encourage you as you wave goodbye to the uneasiness in your mind with tried and true, specific methods of conquering social anxiety. It explains why it is critical to understand where your anxiety stems from. Lastly, it provides psychiatrist-endorsed methods to free you from the feelings that keep you from living your best life.



This article lists the best social anxiety disorder books. Many people are unaware of the true impairing nature of this disorder.  It is important for everyone to gain more knowledge on the topic, especially those affected. These books will help you on your journey of recovery. Soon you will be able to approach all situations with confidence!

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