Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Pdf Book by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Pdf

Download Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Pdf Book

Details of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Pdf

Book Title Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Writer: JK Rowling
Book Type: PDF Book
Genre: Fantasy
File size: 3 MB
Published: 21 June 2003
Country: United Kingdom
ISBN: 0-7475-5100-6

Download Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Book Download

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Description of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a fantasy book written by British Writer  JK Rowling and the fifth Publication in the Harry Potter pdf Collection. It follows Harry Potter’s battles through
his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, including the surreptitious return of the antagonist Lord Voldemort, O.W.L. exams, and an undercover Ministry of Magic.
Order of the Phoenix published on 21 June 2003 by Bloomsbury in the Uk, Scholastic in the USA,
and Raincoast in Canada. Five thousand copies sold in the first 24 hours of publication.
The Order of the Phoenix is the longest book of this series.

The book has also been made to a movie, which was released in 2007, and to a video game by Electronics.

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