Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring Free Online Pdf Download

Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring Free Online
Lord of the Rings also known as Fellowship of the Rings. Before Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring Free Online Pdf Download, a little Summary of The Lord of the Rings Book.
The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel composed by English creator and researcher J. R. R. Tolkien. The story started as a spin-off of Tolkien’s 1937 dream novel The Hobbit, yet at the end formed into a substantially bigger work. Written in stages somewhere in the range of 1937 and 1949 The Lord of the Rings is a standout amongst other best selling books composed, with more than 150 million copies sold.
The title of the novel alludes to the story’s primary rival, the Dark Lord Sauron, who had in a before age made the One Ring to control alternate Rings of Power as a definitive weapon in his battle to overcome and manage all of Middle-earth.
From calm beginnings in the Shire, a hobbit arrive much the same as the English farmland, the story runs crosswise over Middle-earth, following the course of the War of the Ring through the eyes of its characters, not just the hobbits Frodo Baggins, Samwise “Sam” Gamgee, Meriadoc “Happy” Brandybuck and Peregrin “Pippin” Took, yet in addition the hobbits’ central partners and voyaging friends: the Men, Aragorn child of Arathorn, a Ranger of the North, and Boromir, a Captain of Gondor; Gimli child of Glóin, a Dwarf warrior; Legolas Greenleaf, an Elven sovereign; and Gandalf, a wizard.
Lord of the rings Details:
Name Of the Book: The Lord of the Rings
Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Published: 29th July 1954,11 November 1954, 20 October 1955
Book Format: Pdf, ebook
Pages: 262
Book Size: 681 Kilobyte
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