The 13 Best Books on How to Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker and you are ready to quit, there are hundreds of self-help quit smoking books that you can take help from. These books will guide you through the process of quitting by making you understand the dangers of smoking. You can learn why you can not quit, and what you can do to cope with the withdrawal process.
As per FDA, approximately 34 million adult US people are smokers. Naturally many smokers want to quit at a certain point of times in their life. However, quitting smoking can be a grueling task if you do not take professional help along the way. Oftentimes, you will fail multiple times, before finally giving up smoking once and for all.
As per statistics by FDA, nearly 70 percent of adult smokers want to quit smoking. But in a study, only 55% of adult smokers attempted quitting, and only about 8% of them succeeded in quitting for 6-12 months. So it is quite evident that quitting smoking is not an easy task.
Top 13 Books on How to Quit Smoking
Below we have compiled our list of the top 13 Amazon quit-smoking books that can definitely help you in your journey to a smoking-free life. Our recommendations are based on the authenticity and usefulness of the content of the book and the user review of the book. We hope you find this list helpful.
1. Allen Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingAllen Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. If you ask for only one book on how to quit smoking, Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking would be our recommendation without a second thought. This pioneering book helped millions of smokers to quit smoking easily and efficiently. This book is so popular that over 20 million copies sold worldwide to date. The method described in this book is fairly simple and easy to follow. You do not have to go through any medical procedures or take any drugs to help you if you follow Carr’s method. This book has thousands of reviews on Amazon which describe real-life stories from people who quit after reading this.
2. Allen Carr’s Easy Way To Quit Smoking Without Willpower by Allen Carr
View on Amazon Get It Free With Audible TrialEasy Way To Quit Smoking Without Willpower by Allen Carr. This book is the most updated version of Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking method. If you are thinking about quitting smoking, but you do not have the willpower, you can try this book. This is not a magic-like method to quit smoking, but this will explain the rationale behind quitting if you are ready to do so.
You will not need to take any kind of medication or any other assistance if you follow this book. This book will also help in relieving anxiety, depression, or any other withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking.
3. Allen Carr’s Easy Way for Women to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingEasy Way for Women to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr. This book addresses the needs of women in their journey to quit smoking. You will not feel any kind of withdrawal symptoms and would not require any willpower at all if you follow this unique self-help method. Millions of people all over the world are inspired by this Easy Way method and have quit smoking once and for all. Allen Carr’s method did not get this recognition through any kind of advertising or marketing but through word-of-mouth from the successful quitters. If you are a female smoker and want to quit cold turkey, this book is on our list of recommended books on how to quit smoking.
4. The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love—Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits by Judson Brewer
View on Amazon Get It Free With Audible TrialThe Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love—Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits by Judson Brewer. In this book, the author Judson Brewer describes the mechanisms of addiction-forming and how mindfulness meditation can help us break out of the habits of addiction. He is a top psychiatrist and neuroscientist who spent almost 20 years of his life researching the science behind different kinds of addictions. In his book, Judson narrates real-life patient stories, the findings from his research lab, and others, and points out a way to step out of addictions.
If you are considering buying this book, you should also purchase a subscription to his mindfulness meditation program which costs around $26 a month. Because without this you might not get the anticipated results. However, if you are not familiar with neuroscience and psychiatry jargon, you may find this book difficult to understand.
5. From Smoking and Vaping To Breathing: A New Way to Break Old Habits by Joseph Danna
View on AmazonFrom Smoking and Vaping To Breathing: A New Way to Break Old Habits by Joseph Danna. This is a very short book by Joseph Danna which utilizes Kybalian hermetic philosophy to help you quit smoking. This is a spiritual way to get rid of the emotions associated with the cessation of smoking. Following this method will improve the other aspects of your life and make you happy and prosperous.
6. The Smoking Cure: How To Quit Smoking Without Feeling Like Sh*t by Caroline Cranshaw
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingThe Smoking Cure: How To Quit Smoking Without Feeling Like Sh*t by Caroline Cranshaw. Quitting smoking cold turkey is instead a difficult process. The writer Caroline Cranshaw, an addiction specialist, and hypnotherapist, proposes a 7-step process that helps you understand the reason for your addiction to nicotine. The book also helps you deal with withdrawal symptoms and weight gaining. It covers all the areas related to quitting smoking such as your physical and emotional health post-quitting, how to keep balance in brain chemistry, your sexual life, etc. The supplements advised in this book are really useful and would improve your physical and mental conditions. This book comes with a workbook and downloadable stop-smoking relaxation music.
7. Quit Smoking & Be Happy: Finding Freedom, Health, and Joy Without Cigarettes by Christopher Skoyles
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingQuit Smoking & Be Happy: Finding Freedom, Health, and Joy Without Cigarettes by Christopher Skoyles. The writer Christopher Skoyles was a smoker himself, he quit and now helping others to do the same. His book proposes a realistic approach to quitting smoking covering all the aspects related to physical and psychological struggles associated with the process. He also has a Youtube channel where you would find his supportive and empathetic advice regarding quitting smoking.
8. Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight by Paul McKenna
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingQuit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight by Paul McKenna. If you are worried about gaining weight when you stop smoking, this book is the right choice for you. Paul Mckenna in this book proposes a unique way to cope with the withdrawal symptoms and how to train your body and mind to succeed in quitting. This book also comes with a hypnosis CD which is really helpful along the way. If you read the book and listen to the hypnosis, you would not feel any cravings for cigarettes rather you would feel good that you do not smoke anymore.
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingThe Smokefree Way: READ YOUR WAY TO STOP SMOKING. THE MOST INNOVATIVE, UP-TO-DATE, AND INTELLIGENT QUIT SMOKING METHOD by Tamir Turgal. This quit smoking book by Tamir Turgal offers the most unique and sophisticated way to quit smoking naturally. It shows you the difference between when you are being chained by smoking and when you get freedom from cigarettes. It makes you understand what keeps you addicted to smoking and why
10. BUTTKICKERS: Twenty Ways to Leave Tobacco by Joanna NicciTina Free
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingBUTTKICKERS: Twenty Ways to Leave Tobacco by Joanna NicciTina Free teaches you the most innovative and latest way to get freedom from smoking. Being a chain smoker herself, Joanna tried all the old ways to quit smoking but failed. Now she is proposing to you the ultimate way to give up smoking and free yourself from addiction. The motivation throughout this book can help you get out from anything that is not serving your purpose in life. So it can be a life-changing book too.
11. Freedom from Nicotine – The Journey Home by John R. Polito
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingFreedom from Nicotine – The Journey Home by John R. Polito. Like Allen Carr’s book, this book by John R. Polito also suggests the cold turkey method of quitting smoking once and for all. This book helps you understand fully what nicotine addiction is, how you can stop smoking, and how you can recover from the withdrawal processes. It provides the most in-depth discussions about every aspect of smoking cessation. Once you follow the instruction, you can also get liberation from smoking forever. This book is highly recommended after Allen Carr’s book.
12. My gift to help you quit smoking: Stop smoking and stay nicotine free. Why I started to smoke cigarettes and how I liberated myself from the tobacco addiction by Peter Cruse
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingMy gift to help you quit smoking: Stop smoking and stay nicotine free. Why I started to smoke cigarettes and how I liberated myself from the tobacco addiction by Peter Cruse. This book by Peter Cruise is a best-seller in Germany. Peter was a former smoker himself, so he has gone through the struggles, and writes about them in a compassionate way. He developed a new method called the “Lead Motive Method”, which is definitely going to help a lot of smokers around the world. The book is also full of inspirational stories which will surely keep you motivated along the way.
13. Quit Smoking For Good With Hypnosis: Without Gaining Weight by Katherine Hardy
View on Amazon Enjoy Unlimited ReadingQuit Smoking For Good With Hypnosis: Without Gaining Weight by Katherine Hardy. Author Kathie Hardy is a board-certified Hypnotherapist, author, and speaker. In this book, she reflects on how hypnosis can help you get liberated from smoking without gaining weight. This book addresses the issue of how you can take back control of your health and personal relationships once you quit. She even goes as far as psychology and neurology to describe the effectiveness of hypnosis in any kind of behavioral change. She shares numerous accounts of true stories in an empathetic way that you can learn from.
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So we have shared our list of top 13 books on how to quit smoking, which you can use as a reference in your journey towards nicotine-free life. Some of these books are international bestsellers, while others are still gaining popularity. Some books recommend going cold turkey while others suggest using hypnosis and/or other spiritual methods to quit smoking forever. We are confident that if you are determined and follow one of the methods described in the best books on quitting smoking you can definitely succeed in your attempt in quitting.