To Kill a Mockingbird PDF Book Free Download

To kill a Mockingbird Pdf Book
Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird pdf Book may be one of the best-loved masterworks of modern American literature, is finally available in e-book and digital audio! This extraordinary story, full of warmth and humor while tackling serious issues like racial injustice, gender roles, innocence, and morality, is consistently book as a to kill a mockingbird pdf. Download your copy of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel now!
Summary of To Kill A Mockingbird Book PDF
Later in the story, Atticus is assigned to represent a black man named Tom Robinson. Robinson was accused of raping and beating a white woman. Due to the nature of the case, Scout and Finch have to deal with bombardments of insults and racial slurs. Tom is eventually trialed and convicted even though the evidence clearly should that he could not have committed the crime. While presenting Tom’s case, Mr. Attcius offends Bob Ewell, a nasty, lazy man, whose daughter is the accuser. Even though Tom was convicted, Bob swore to have his revenge on Atticus. Soon after the trial, Atticus reports that Tom was killed in an escape attempt.
Details of To Kill a Mockingbird
Book Title: To Kill a Mockingbird
Country: United States
Language: English
Author: Harper Lee
Published: July 11, 1960
Followed by: Go Set a Watchman
Page: 281
Characters: Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch, MORE
Genres: Coming-of-Age Fiction, Southern Gothic, Bildungsroman
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